  • Books and emotions in children’s literature: a trend? a fashion?

    Taula Rodona | Chill-out | Presentació Promoció de la Lectura

    Dijous 03, 12:15h - 13:15h | CC1, Sala 1.2
    03-10-2024 12:15 03-10-2024 13:15 Europe/Madrid Books and emotions in children’s literature: a trend? a fashion? In recent years, the words “emotion” and “children’s literature” have gone hand in hand. It’s great news, but teachers, librarians and mediators are being overwhelmed by the large number of books published, some of excellent quality but not others. What could be a wonderful opportunity to reach more readers might become a problem. We’ll discuss good editorial practices and how to identify the best books in an infinite universe of new releases. This call offers two proposals: 1. A round table with experts who’ll invite you to reflect on the opportunities provided by publications on emotions and the risks of bad practices when a topic becomes “fashionable”. What criteria should books in this area abide by for us to regard them as high-quality ones? 2. Chill out in a relaxing and highly inspiring setting, with a range of the best books that address the topic of emotions and feelings to discover true gems with our experts. CC1, Sala 1.2

    In recent years, the words “emotion” and “children’s literature” have gone hand in hand. It’s great news, but teachers, librarians and mediators are being overwhelmed by the large number of books published, some of excellent quality but not others. What could be a wonderful opportunity to reach more readers might become a problem. We’ll discuss good editorial practices and how to identify the best books in an infinite universe of new releases. This call offers two proposals:
    1. A round table with experts who’ll invite you to reflect on the opportunities provided by publications on emotions and the risks of bad practices when a topic becomes “fashionable”. What criteria should books in this area abide by for us to regard them as high-quality ones?
    2. Chill out in a relaxing and highly inspiring setting, with a range of the best books that address the topic of emotions and feelings to discover true gems with our experts.


