  • Evolution of PARIX, a school for books in Spanish

    Taula rodona Formació

    Dijous 03, 13:00h - 14:00h | CC1, Sala 1.1
    03-10-2024 13:00 03-10-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Evolution of PARIX, a school for books in Spanish PARIX is the most ambitious initiative in the reskilling and upskilling world for professionals in the publishing industry. This session will share the school’s strategies and showcase two specific examples (AI and content marketing) of how it operates for its students. CC1, Sala 1.1

    PARIX is the most ambitious initiative in the reskilling and upskilling world for professionals in the publishing industry. This session will share the school’s strategies and showcase two specific examples (AI and content marketing) of how it operates for its students.


