  • IX Jornada sobre comercialització del llibre | Impressió + Distribució Sota Comanda: Increment de vendes y estalvi de costos per a editorials, distribuidores i libreries

    White Paper on On-demand Printing + Distribution drawn up by the UDNE Working Group

    Presentation Comercialización

    Dijous 03, 11:30h - 12:15h | CC1, Sala 1.3
    03-10-2024 11:30 03-10-2024 12:15 Europe/Madrid White Paper on On-demand Printing + Distribution drawn up by the UDNE Working Group The White Paper on On-Demand Printing and Distribution, a study conducted by the specific group created at the UDNE, will be presented, after which a Panel Discussion will be held with the participation of several leading professionals in the sector. It will analyse the latest developments regarding the application of these technologies to the book industry, the economic and environmental cost savings they can bring and the new business opportunities for publishers, distributors and bookshops. CC1, Sala 1.3

    The White Paper on On-Demand Printing and Distribution, a study conducted by the specific group created at the UDNE, will be presented, after which a Panel Discussion will be held with the participation of several leading professionals in the sector. It will analyse the latest developments regarding the application of these technologies to the book industry, the economic and environmental cost savings they can bring and the new business opportunities for publishers, distributors and bookshops.

