  • David de Jong

    International research journalist
    David de Jong


    Ukraine day | Panel discussion

    Can literature change things?

    David de Jong
    David de Jong International research journalist Participant
    Tetiana Teren
    Tetiana Teren Executive director of the Ukrainian PEN, journalist, editor and cultural manager Moderator
    Guillem Colom
    Guillem Colom Editor and founder of Impedimenta Participant
    Miguel Gutiérrez
    Miguel Gutiérrez Founder and editor of L’Altra Editorial Participant
    Irene Karpa
    Irene Karpa Ukrainian writer, influencer and singer Participant

    01-10-2024 16:05 01-10-2024 17:00 Europe/Madrid Can literature change things? Can literature really change anything in 2024? Do words and texts have any real power in the 21st century? Why choose the book format for storytelling? How is this medium changing and what is its future within the context of current trends and conflicts? What is the role of narratives and texts in country’s life and security? CC1, Sala 1.2
    Tue 1 16:05h - 17:00h CC1, Sala 1.2