  • Filter your search

    Sonia Abella Álvarez

    Sonia Abella Álvarez

    Manager of the Francisco Ayala Municipal Public Library, Madrid City Council

    Luis Abril

    Luis Abril


    María Jesús Acin González

    María Jesús Acin González

    Ángel González Municipal Public Library, Madrid City Council

    Miguel Aguilar

    Miguel Aguilar

    Editorial director of Penguin Random House

    Evelyn Aixalá

    Evelyn Aixalá

    Coordinator of the Reading and Linguistic Education Programme of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay

    Jaume Almirall

    Jaume Almirall

    Adriana Ángel

    Adriana Ángel

    Director, FILBo

    Marta Angoloti

    Marta Angoloti

    Head of the Wood Area of the Directorate General of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge

    José Manuel Anta

    José Manuel Anta

    Manager of the Spanish Federation of Publishers' Guilds (FGEE) / Spanish Association of Book Chambers

    Rafael Arias

    Rafael Arias

    Owner of the bookshop Letras Corsarias

    Emiro Aristizabal

    Emiro Aristizabal

    Executive President of the Colombian Book Chamber

    Oscar Arroyo

    Oscar Arroyo

    Jesús Asensio

    Jesús Asensio

    Jéferson Assumçao

    Jéferson Assumçao

    Antonio Mª Ávila

    Antonio Mª Ávila

    Executive director of the Spanish Association of Publishers’ Guilds

    Kiyeun Baek

    Kiyeun Baek

    Senior Licensing and Partnerships Manager at Yoto

    Inmaculada Ballesteros

    Inmaculada Ballesteros

    Head of Programming of Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)

    Jaume Balmes

    Jaume Balmes

    Head of Publishing Operations Projects, Grupo Planeta

    Isabel Barrio

    Isabel Barrio

    Ana Belén Noriega

    Ana Belén Noriega

    Daniel Benchimol

    Daniel Benchimol

    Director of Proyecto451

    Fernando Benzo

    Fernando Benzo

    Germán Berger Hertz

    Germán Berger Hertz

    Álvaro Bley

    Álvaro Bley


    Charlotte Botrel

    Charlotte Botrel

    Head of rights assignment at the La Partie publishing house

    Eugènia Broggi

    Eugènia Broggi

    Verónica Bronstein

    Verónica Bronstein

    Ferrán Burguillos

    Ferrán Burguillos

    General Manager, Barcelona Librararies

    Cristina Cabornero Herrero

    Cristina Cabornero Herrero

    José Castilho

    José Castilho

    Director of JCastilho Consultoria

    Javier Celaya

    Javier Celaya

    Partner-founder of

    Javier Cercas

    Javier Cercas

    Lara Chaguaceda

    Lara Chaguaceda

    Deputy Director-General of Intellectual Property of the General Directorate of Cultural Rights of the Spanish Ministry of Culture

    Virginia Cinquegrani

    Virginia Cinquegrani

    Computational linguist and proofreader

    Guillem Colom

    Guillem Colom

    Diana Comes

    Diana Comes

    Jorge Corrales

    Jorge Corrales

    General Manager at the Spanish Centre for Reprographic Rights (CEDRO)

    Macarena Cortés

    Macarena Cortés

    Co-founder of the Imbunche publishing house

    Paulo Cosín

    Paulo Cosín

    Editorial director of Ediciones Morata

    Belén Cuadra

    Belén Cuadra

    Translator and professor of Chinese at the University of Granada

    David de Jong

    David de Jong

    Elisabeth de Nadal

    Elisabeth de Nadal

    Joan de Sola

    Joan de Sola

    Leonardo de Terlizzi

    Leonardo de Terlizzi

    Head of the Legal Services of the International Confederation of Authors’ and Composers’ Associations

    Carlota del Amo

    Carlota del Amo

    Head of Corporate Communications and CSR, Penguin Random House

    Emilio del Río

    Emilio del Río

    Viktoriya Dergal

    Viktoriya Dergal

    Ramiro Domínguez

    Ramiro Domínguez

    José Ignacio Echeverría

    José Ignacio Echeverría

    President of the Ibero-American Publishers’ Group (GIE)

    Ricardo Elías

    Ricardo Elías


    Sara Esteban

    Sara Esteban

    Boris Faingola

    Boris Faingola

    Laurence Faron

    Laurence Faron

    Director and publisher at the Talents Hauts publishing house

    Ricardo Fernández

    Ricardo Fernández

    Poet and editorial consultant

    Manuel Ángel Fernández

    Manuel Ángel Fernández

    General Secretary of the Paper, Graphics and Photography Industries of the trade union Comisiones Obreras (CCOO)

    Maia Figueroa

    Maia Figueroa

    Nataliya Filenko

    Nataliya Filenko

    Miguel Gallego

    Miguel Gallego

    Expert in strategic marketing and AI

    María José Gálvez

    María José Gálvez

    Director General for Books, Comics and Reading of the Spanish Ministry of Culture

    Carmen García

    Carmen García


    Fernando García

    Fernando García

    Iban García del Blanco

    Iban García del Blanco

    Expert in AI

    Álvaro García Hernández de Alba

    Álvaro García Hernández de Alba

    General Manager, Datamarket

    Begoña Garcia Moruno

    Begoña Garcia Moruno

    María Zambrano Municipal Public Library, Madrid City Council

    Francisca Gavilán

    Francisca Gavilán

    Araya Goitia

    Araya Goitia

    Publisher, Editorial Ekaré

    Martín Gómez

    Martín Gómez

    Editorial consultant

    Mónica González

    Mónica González

    Head of the Publishing Section at ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones

    Jesús González

    Jesús González

    Deputy Director General for the Promotion of Books, Reading and Spanish Literature of the Spanish Ministry of Culture

    Luis González

    Luis González

    Director of the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation

    Mar González

    Mar González

    Sonia González Criado

    Sonia González Criado

    Xavier Gonzàlez-Costa

    Xavier Gonzàlez-Costa

    Giuseppe Grosso

    Giuseppe Grosso

    Cof-founder of the bookshop Altamarea

    Jordi Gual

    Jordi Gual

    Technical director of the Barcelona Library Consortium Barcelona City Council

    Laura Guindal

    Laura Guindal

    Deputy Director-General of Library Coordination of the Spanish Ministry of Culture

    Anna Guitart

    Anna Guitart

    Curator of FIL Barcelona

    Javier Gutiérrez

    Javier Gutiérrez

    General manager of Visual Entity for the Management of Plastic Artists (VEGAP)

    Miguel Gutiérrez

    Miguel Gutiérrez

    Jerónimo Hernández

    Jerónimo Hernández

    Coordinator of the Commission of Scientific, Technical and Academic Book Publishers (CECTA), of the Madrid Publishers Association

    Gabriela Hernández

    Gabriela Hernández

    María José Hervás Fernández

    María José Hervás Fernández

    Head of the Public Libraries Department, Madrid City Council

    Phillipe Huntzinger

    Phillipe Huntzinger

    Irene Karpa

    Irene Karpa

    Madelón Lánchez

    Madelón Lánchez

    Business Development Manager at Urano World Andrea Llop, Product Manager, Urano World

    María Aránzazu Larrauri

    María Aránzazu Larrauri

    General Manager, Libranda

    Emilie Lasbezeilles

    Emilie Lasbezeilles

    Sergio Lledó

    Sergio Lledó

    Andrea Llop

    Andrea Llop

    Product Manager, Urano World

    Enrique López

    Enrique López

    Sales Manager at The Navigator Company

    Rodolfo López Diez

    Rodolfo López Diez

    Technical Advisor to the General Directorate of Libraries, Archives and Museums of Madrid City Council

    Eva Losada

    Eva Losada

    Sabine Louabi

    Sabine Louabi

    Head of rights assignment at the Les Grandes Personnes publishing house

    Asunción Maestro

    Asunción Maestro

    Manel Manchón

    Manel Manchón

    Director of Letra Global

    Manuel Manzano

    Manuel Manzano

    Editorial director of Malpaso

    Elia Maqueda

    Elia Maqueda

    Valentina Marchant

    Valentina Marchant

    Chief Editor of the magazine Saranchá / Poet

    Maialen Marín

    Maialen Marín

    Translator and professor of Chinese Literature at the Autònoma University of Catalonia

    Antonio Martín

    Antonio Martín

    Partner at Cálamo&Cran

    Xavi Martínez

    Xavi Martínez

    Raquel Martínez

    Raquel Martínez

    Ana Mata

    Ana Mata

    Arantxa Mellado

    Arantxa Mellado


    Zhang Mingzhou

    Zhang Mingzhou

    Inés Miret

    Inés Miret

    Director of Neturity

    Eduardo Moga

    Eduardo Moga

    Eva Moll de Alba

    Eva Moll de Alba

    Director of Vegueta Editorial

    Bruno Montané

    Bruno Montané

    Poet and editor

    César Moreno

    César Moreno

    Isabel Moyano

    Isabel Moyano

    Deputy general manager of the Book of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport of the Community of Madrid

    Ricardo Muguerza

    Ricardo Muguerza

    Rebeca Muriana

    Rebeca Muriana

    Nuria Net

    Nuria Net

    Specialist in the production of audio children’s contents and CEO of Shake It Easy Media

    Rocío Niebla

    Rocío Niebla

    Publisher of Captain Swing

    Marta Nin

    Marta Nin

    Irene Oliva

    Irene Oliva


    Yulia Orlova

    Yulia Orlova

    Sissy Papathanasiou

    Sissy Papathanasiou

    Pablo Pastor

    Pablo Pastor

    Head of the Unit for Sectoral Development and Support for the Joint Commissions of the State Foundation for Employment Training (FUNDAE)

    Lucía Pastor

    Lucía Pastor

    Director of Content Protection at the Spanish Centre for Reprographic Rights (CEDRO)

    Manuel Pavón

    Manuel Pavón

    Translator and professor of Chinese-Spanish Translation at the Pompeu Fabra University

    Aurora Payá Sanchez

    Aurora Payá Sanchez

    Campaign Manager at Tandem Collective

    Agustín Paz

    Agustín Paz

    Rosa Pérez

    Rosa Pérez

    Arantza Pérez

    Arantza Pérez

    Director of Forestry of the Spanish Association of Pulp, Paper and Cardboard Manufacturers (ASPAPEL)

    Remedios Pérez

    Remedios Pérez

    Nuria Pèrez Aguado

    Nuria Pèrez Aguado

    Secretary responsible for Training and Trade Union Certification of UGT FICA

    Geórgia Picanyol

    Geórgia Picanyol

    Rights & Permissions Manager of the Edebé publishing house

    Carmen Plaza

    Carmen Plaza

    Poet and writer linked to the bookshop sector

    Oksana Polyakova Nesterenko

    Oksana Polyakova Nesterenko

    José Antonio Pompa

    José Antonio Pompa

    General secretary of the Neobis Graphic Communication Association

    Glòria Puig

    Glòria Puig

    Eva Pulido

    Eva Pulido

    Assistant Director of Creative Industries at ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones

    Susana Quicios

    Susana Quicios

    Pedro Quílez

    Pedro Quílez

    Enrique Redel

    Enrique Redel

    Maribel Riaza

    Maribel Riaza

    Author of the book titled La voz de los libros and Content Acquisition Manager at Storytel

    Manuel Rico

    Manuel Rico

    Carme Riera

    Carme Riera

    President of the Spanish Centre for Reprographic Rights (CEDRO)

    Santi Rius

    Santi Rius

    Carlos Rogel

    Carlos Rogel

    Emeritus professor in Civil Law at the Complutense University of Madrid

    Javier Roma

    Javier Roma

    Translator and musicologist

    Gabriela Ruivo

    Gabriela Ruivo

    Jia Ruiwu

    Jia Ruiwu

    Yolanda Ruiz

    Yolanda Ruiz

    Department of Acquisitions and Increased Heritage of the National Library of Spain (BNE)

    Laura Salas

    Laura Salas

    Alina San Juan

    Alina San Juan

    Deputy chief of the Cultural Industries Department of the Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Miami

    Sílvia Sanahuja

    Sílvia Sanahuja

    Head of the Library Service of the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Catalonia

    Eduardo Sanahuja

    Eduardo Sanahuja

    Poet and university lecturer

    Dolores Sancha

    Dolores Sancha

    Head of Legal Department, Penguin Random House

    Ana Isabel Sánchez

    Ana Isabel Sánchez

    Miguel Ángel Sánchez

    Miguel Ángel Sánchez


    Ainhoa Sánchez

    Ainhoa Sánchez

    Head of the Literature Section of Acción Cultural Española AC/

    Amalia Sanchís

    Amalia Sanchís

    Poet and publisher

    Patricia Sanpera

    Patricia Sanpera

    Carmen Santamaría

    Carmen Santamaría

    Francisco Javier Sanz

    Francisco Javier Sanz

    Alicia Sellés

    Alicia Sellés

    Rocío Serrano

    Rocío Serrano

    Proofreader, translator and social media manager

    Hugo Setzer

    Hugo Setzer

    Arianna Squilloni

    Arianna Squilloni

    Clara Mª Tascón

    Clara Mª Tascón

    Head of the Public Libraries Service of Madrid City Council

    Teresa Inés Tejada

    Teresa Inés Tejada

    Translator and professor of Chinese Literature at the University of Salamanca

    Tetiana Teren

    Tetiana Teren

    Judit Terma Grassa

    Judit Terma Grassa

    Head of the Services Office of the Library Management Network of the Barcelona Provincial Council

    Constanza Ternicier

    Constanza Ternicier


    Carles Torner

    Carles Torner

    Isabelle Torrubia

    Isabelle Torrubia

    Literary Agent

    Fernando Valdés

    Fernando Valdés

    Proofreader, publisher and layout designer and president of UniCo, the Proofreaders’ Union

    Javier Velasco Villegas

    Javier Velasco Villegas

    Francesc Vila

    Francesc Vila

    Laura Villanueva

    Laura Villanueva

    Zheng Wangquan

    Zheng Wangquan

    Song Yidong

    Song Yidong
