  • Track: Artificial Intelligence

    Tue 01
    Panel discussion

    Artificial intelligence and the publishing industry: How to monetise your works?

    01-10-2024 11:00 01-10-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Artificial intelligence and the publishing industry: How to monetise your works? CC1, Sala 1.5
    11:00h - 12:00h CC1, Sala 1.5

    Reading, AI and social transformation

    01-10-2024 12:00 01-10-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid Reading, AI and social transformation Reading as an exclusive value of human beings is what characterises human intelligence, based on the meaning of its Latin root (the ability to read, the ability to choose). It is, therefore, a distinctive element in stark contrast to artificial and animal intelligence, placing value on humans as socio-emotional beings who can find personal development, well-being and a meaning of life to secure social transformation in the multiple possibilities offered by reading. Beyond a philosophical reflection on reading and the meaning of life, we’ll discuss actions that can be put into practice and effective proposals that can connect society with reading. CC1, Sala 1.5
    12:00h - 13:00h CC1, Sala 1.5
    Panel discussion

    The cultural worker without copyright versus AI

    01-10-2024 13:00 01-10-2024 14:30 Europe/Madrid The cultural worker without copyright versus AI It will address how the legislation is dealing with AI (solely and exclusively concerned with protecting copyright) and what cultural professionals can do to combat the above. CC1, Sala 1.2
    13:00h - 14:30h CC1, Sala 1.2

    Artificial Intelligence: A searching gaze over its impact on the book industry

    01-10-2024 13:15 01-10-2024 14:45 Europe/Madrid Artificial Intelligence: A searching gaze over its impact on the book industry A talk at which an attempt will be made to provide answers to the big questions and dilemmas posed by Artificial Intelligence within the book industry. Can it totally or partially replace the work of the professionals in the sector (publishers, translators, proofreaders, illustrators)? What will the changes brought by this technology be in our industry in cultural and economic terms? What are the most important risks posed by using these systems? Can AI produce written works as well as a human being? What should we expect in the near future? CC1, Sala 1.5
    13:15h - 14:45h CC1, Sala 1.5
    Thu 03
    Panel discussion

    Artificial Intelligence. Publishers and authors defend themselves

    03-10-2024 10:00 03-10-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid Artificial Intelligence. Publishers and authors defend themselves The emergence of AI constitutes an important turning point in all areas of economic and social life and it’s leading to significant legal conflicts, and therefore we’ll attempt to examine the one between North American publishers and AI companies. CC1, Sala 1.5
    10:00h - 11:00h CC1, Sala 1.5